How to Choose a Water Heater:

Complete Parkville Guide

If you're looking for a water heater upgade, for your Parkville-area home, the multitude of options can leave you feeling overwhelmed. With storage tanks, tankless models, and solar units to choose from, it's important to take into account factors like energy efficiency and your household's hot water consumption. Fortunately, our comprehensive guide is designed to alleviate your concerns. We aim to equip you with the knowledge necessary to confidently make a decision that suits your family's needs. Within our guide, we delve into the advantages and disadvantages of each type of water heater, ensuring that you are well-informed before finalizing your choice. By reading on, you'll gain valuable insights that will empower you to make a smart and well-considered decision.

What to consider

when buying a water heater

The availability of hot water is of utmost importance to ensure a comfortable living environment at home. To select the ideal water heater that suits your requirements, there are several crucial factors to take into account:

  • Household Size: Begin by assessing the number of individuals residing in your home or those expected to join in the near future. This evaluation will assist in determining the appropriate capacity of the water heater you should consider. Larger families may necessitate a larger tank to guarantee an ample supply of hot water.

  • Appliance Usage: Reflect on whether you have appliances such as dishwashers or washing machines that rely on hot water. In such cases, you might need a larger tank or a water heater with a higher capacity to accommodate the additional demand for hot water.

  • Fuel Source: Make a decision regarding the preferred fuel source for your water heater. Available options include electricity, natural gas, propane, or oil. It is advisable to choose a fuel source that aligns with your personal preferences and the availability of resources in your area.

  • Energy Efficiency: Determine the level of energy efficiency you desire in a water heater. If you opt for a conventional tank model, ensure that it possesses high energy efficiency ratings. Alternatively, you can explore more efficient tankless models, which heat water only when it is required, resulting in energy savings.

After taking into account the factors mentioned above, selecting the appropriate size and type of water heater for your unique requirements can be easily accomplished.

Decide on a budget
for a new water heater

Selecting the right water heater amidst the vast array of choices can feel like a daunting task. Nevertheless, by focusing on your specific needs, you can streamline the process and make a well-informed decision.

Although it may seem enticing to go for a less expensive water heater initially, it is worth considering the long-term benefits of investing in a top-notch, energy-efficient model. Such a choice can lead to substantial savings over time. By thoughtfully evaluating your requirements and employing a knowledgeable approach, you can find a water heater that caters to your needs, delivers consistent hot water, and contributes to reduced energy expenses.

Research the options available

When selecting a water heater for your home, it can be challenging due to the numerous options available. To make an informed decision, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and explore the different types of water heaters. This will provide you with the necessary information needed to choose the most suitable one for your needs.

Here are the common types of water heaters along with their advantages and disadvantages:

  • Tankless water heaters are an efficient option for heating water. They heat water on demand, eliminating the need for a storage tank. This feature helps save energy since water is only heated when needed. With proper maintenance, tankless water heaters can last up to 20 years, providing long-term value.

  • Storage tank water heaters are a traditional option that uses a large tank to store heated water. While they are less energy efficient compared to tankless models, they are widely available and offer flexibility in terms of fuel options. You can choose from electricity, natural gas, propane, or oil to power these water heaters.

  • Solar water heaters are an environmentally friendly option that utilizes solar energy to heat water. By harnessing the power of the sun, they help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to lower energy bills. Although they require an initial investment in solar panels, they offer long-term savings and sustainability.

  • Smart water heaters are an advanced option that incorporates technology for enhanced control and efficiency. They come with features such as remote temperature control, energy monitoring, and scheduling capabilities. While they may have a higher price tag, smart water heaters offer convenience and energy-saving benefits through optimized usage.

Once you have carefully assessed various water heater options, considering factors such as your budget, requirements, and personal preferences, you will possess the essential knowledge to make a well-informed choice that perfectly matches your home.

Compare water heater energy efficiency ratings

It is essential to prioritize its energy efficiency rating if you're looking for a water heater. This rating reflects the energy consumption of the heater in heating water. Higher ratings indicate better efficiency and lower energy usage. By selecting a highly energy-efficient water heater, you can enjoy substantial savings on your utility bills and contribute to environmental sustainability. It is crucial to conduct thorough research and compare various water heater types, including tankless or tank models, to make a knowledgeable decision that suits your individual requirements.

The cost of installation

and maintenance

When considering a water heater, it's crucial to consider the associated installation costs and ongoing maintenance requirements for each type:

  • In the case of tankless water heaters, it is highly recommended to opt for professional installation and annual checks performed by experts to guarantee optimal functionality.

  • Conventional storage tank heaters, on the other hand, may require periodic maintenance tasks such as the replacement of the anode rod or the flushing out of sediment. Homeowners or professionals can typically handle these tasks.

  • For solar and heat pump water heaters, it is typically necessary to enlist the services of professionals for installation.

  • Occasional servicing or repairs may be required to ensure efficient operation.

  • Smart water heaters often include installation, repair, and maintenance warranties. However, it is advisable to carefully review the terms and conditions before making a purchase to fully understand the coverage provided.

Review warranties and safety features for each type of water heater

With a new water heater, it is essential to prioritize warranties and safety features. These aspects play a significant role in safeguarding against potential malfunctions or defects. To ensure the safety of your household, opt for water heater models equipped with temperature control, automatic shutoff, and safety valves. These features work together to prevent accidents and injuries. Conducting thorough research is crucial in order to find a water heater that caters to your specific requirements and offers the most extensive warranties and advanced safety features on the market.

Why it's important to hire a licensed

expert to install your water heater

Here are some of the reasons you should hire a licensed water heater professional for water heater repair or replacement:

  • Access to Qualified and Experienced Technicians: By hiring a licensed plumber for water heater installation, you gain access to technicians who possess the necessary qualifications and extensive experience. Their expertise enables them to handle the task efficiently and effectively.

  • Specialized Tools and Materials: Licensed plumbers are equipped with specialized tools and materials specifically designed for water heater installations. This ensures that the installation process is conducted safely and in compliance with the necessary standards, minimizing the likelihood of future costly repairs.

  • Correct and Safe Installation: By relying on the expertise of licensed plumbers, you can have peace of mind knowing that the installation will be carried out correctly and safely. They are well-versed in the intricacies of water heater systems, ensuring that all components are connected accurately and all safety measures are implemented.

  • Warranties and Additional Services: Licensed plumbers often provide warranties for their workmanship and the products they install. This added protection can prove invaluable in case any issues arise after the installation. Furthermore, they may offer additional services, such as maintenance plans or troubleshooting assistance, which further enhance the value of their professional services.

What you should consider when hiring

a water heater professional

When searching for a certified water heater expert, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Certification and Licensing: It is important to ensure that the chosen professional possesses the necessary certifications and licenses to carry out the job effectively.

  • Experience: Prioritize professionals who boast a wealth of experience in providing water heater services, as their expertise can prove invaluable.

  • Reputation and Reviews: Take the time to assess the reputation of potential candidates by reviewing customer feedback and testimonials. This will offer insight into the quality of their work and customer satisfaction.

  • Range of Services: Consider the capabilities of the expert in handling various water heater services, such as installations, repairs, replacements, and maintenance. Opting for a professional who can address a wide range of needs can be advantageous.

  • Pricing: To make an informed decision, it is wise to compare quotes from different experts. Additionally, ensure that the pricing structure is transparent, with no hidden costs or surprises.

  • Timeliness and Customer Service: Selecting a professional who values punctuality and exhibits excellent customer service is vital. Timeliness reflects their commitment to meeting deadlines, while great customer service ensures a smooth and satisfactory experience.

Doing your research is crucial

Choosing the appropriate water heater is crucial to maintain a steady supply of hot water while keeping energy expenses in check. Take into account various options, including tankless, solar, and conventional storage tank water heaters. Assess factors such as energy efficiency, installation expenses, warranty coverage, maintenance needs, and safety functionalities. It is highly recommended to engage the services of a licensed professional who possesses knowledge about different water heater types, utility initiatives, and pertinent building regulations to ensure a successful installation and optimal performance. By adhering to these guidelines, you can benefit from a long-lasting and high-performing water heater system.

Contact Us

One of the most significant investments you can make in your home is a water heater replacement.



Strong Plumbing Parkville
Parkville, MD 21234